These guys from Tuscany play it as Cool as it gets when it’s time to re-interpret the beautiful writing of Gerry Mulligan and the likes, they are respectful of the History of Jazz and yet meaningful and lyrical in their rendition of classic tunes from “The Birth Of The Cool ” and other historical recordings.
Fabio Morgera : cornetta, flicorno
Dario Cecchini : sax baritono e soprano
Guido Zorn : contrabbasso
Alessandro Fabbri : batteria
1) Godchild (George Wallington) 5:27
2) Line For Lyons ( Gerry Mulligan) 6:17
3) Smog Eyes (Ted Brown) 5:34
4) Speak Low (O.Nash-Kurt Weill) 7:38
5) Rocker (Gerry Mulligan) 5.03
6) Move ( Denzil Best) 4:08
7) Bernie’s Tune (Bernie Miller) 4:57
8) Cool Blues (Charlie Parker) 4:42
9) The Serpent’s Tooth (Miles Davis) 3:38
10) Take Five (Paul Desmond) 5:13
11) Speak Low (alternate take) 4:25